Gebt in der Windows-Suche (Windows-Taste + s) regedit ein. Es öffnet sich der Registry-Editor. Unter HKey_Current_User > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main > FeatureControl > Feature_Browser_Emulation müsst ihr einen DWORD-Wert mit dem Namen picasa3.exe und dem Wert 2af8 hinzufügen.
Hat nicht gereicht, stattdessen 0 eingeben und nun fkt es wieder.
Places sidebar stopped working in Google Picasa 3. The following error is displayed instead of a map:
[object Error]
You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API. Consider changing your browser.
Close Picasa and perform the following steps:
- Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
- Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
- Create a new DWORD entry with name: picasa3.exe and Hexadecimal value: 2af8 (Decimal: 11000).
Open Picasa and embedded maps module should now work.
Update 05/2022
Due to Goole Maps backend change, the fix stopped working. A very similar error message is now being displayed instead of the map:
You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API. Please consider changing your browser.
Error: The Google Maps JavaScript API does not support this browser.